The Importance of the Telephone Answering Service

The telephone answering service was invented many years ago; some say that the first prototypes of “Call Answering Machines” date back to the 1800s, and in the subsequent years, this tool underwent improvements until it was adopted more frequently by a greater number of users around the 1950s and 1960s, during the height of the economic boom after World War II.

The telephone answering service remains a relevant tool because, while in its early years it was mostly used by businesses, today it is used by virtually everyone, from mobile phones to private residences, as well as companies.

Personalized voice messages are a highly useful tool for not missing important opportunities such as a new job offer, an appointment, or even just to have an answering service take care of it for us when we are not in the office or at home, or when it comes to mobile phones, when we are unavailable.

That’s why we have specialized in selecting suitable voices for this type of tool.

A professional voice that answers on our behalf is more elegant and more pleasant to listen to for those on the other end of the line, who are compelled to listen to a message.

The difference between a telephone answering service recorded with a real and professional voice, compared to an electronic voice or a DIY recording, provides more warmth, more humanity, and above all, doesn’t convey that sense of detachment with our potential future interlocutor that an electronic voice does.

This concept and the selected expertise offers can provide you with the perfect voice if you’re seeking to transform and make your telephone answering service into an automated message of courtesy and professionalism.