Conditions of sale.

Explore our terms of sale for voice over services. We ensure transparency and quality in every project

  • Select language
    • All
    • italian
    • french
    • german
    • portuguese

    • albanian
    • arabic
    • brazilian
    • bulgarian
    • chinese
    • croatian
    • czech
    • danish
    • dutch
    • finnish
    • greek
    • hindi
    • hungarian
    • iceland
    • israelian
    • japanese
    • korean
    • latvian
    • lithuanian
    • maltese
    • norwegian
    • polish
    • romanian
    • russian
    • serbian
    • slovakian
    • slovenian
    • swedish
    • turkish
    • ukrainian
    • vietnamese
Choose a 
  • Select gender
    • All
    • male
    • female
  • Select age
    • All
    • child (<13)
    • teen (14-17)
    • young adult (18-34)
    • middle aged (35-54)
    • senior (55+)
  • Select service
    • All
    • commercial
    • animation
    • audiobook
    • audioguide
    • corporate
    • documentary
    • e-learning
    • podcast
    • trailer
    • tutorial
    • video games

Conditions of sale


The subject of this contract is the provision, by Polyline Group (1), hereinafter referred to as Polyline, of sound recording services using professional native speakers, as described on the website:

Customers interested in receiving quotes for recordings to use in their projects can request them free of charge and without commitment by completing the special forms provided on the aforementioned website; or by submitting a request by e-mail or telephone, using the contact details provided in the “Contacts” section of the website. To facilitate this process and allow Polyline to prepare a proper, relevant offer, the Customer should provide as much detail as possible in relation to the proposed project. The costs indicated in an initial quote cannot be considered binding for Polyline, and are susceptible to change under various conditions; if, for example, at the time of requesting a quote for a specific project, the Customer submits texts different from the final ones, or if he fails to provide information of particular importance in executing the project, including:

  • urgent delivery times
  • a large amount of specific vocabulary (2)
  • special needs in terms of interpretation (with dubbing, timing, etc.)
  • special needs in terms of file editing (with segmentation, saving, etc.)

If one or more of these conditions pertain, Polyline reserves the right to rescind its offer or to draw up a supplementary offer, which can then be acted upon subject to acceptance by the Customer. Unless otherwise specified, a quote is valid for 30 days from date of issue.

To confirm the order, the Customer must complete the contract sent to him by email, using the references provided at the time the quote was issued.

The process of evaluating, preparing and recording the scripts provided by the Customer will begin following receipt of the contract and payment of the agreed sum. Payment can be made in any of the following ways: Bank Transfer, Credit Card, PayPal, PostePay.

At the time of confirming the order, the Customer must provide Polyline with all the necessary information to enable the Speaker to complete his work in the best and most timely manner: correct and clearly legible texts (using doc, docx, excel or pdf format), clear and comprehensive notes on the style of reading required, any audio/video reference files, notes on timing, reference pronunciation for specific vocabulary, etc…

Recordings will usually be delivered within 3 working days of receipt of the contract, unless otherwise agreed. Each file is sent as a confidential download or, if requested, in some other digital format (CD, DVD, zip, etc.) via the postal service.

If errors are found in the texts provided by the Customer which would prevent the Speaker from executing the recording in the correct way, the order will be put on hold and the Customer will be asked to supply new scripts that have been properly checked and corrected. Any temporary suspension of recording work due to incongruities in the text, and the enforced stand-by of the Speaker engaged for the task, will entail payment of a penalty of between € 80.00 and € 150.00 + VAT, and may lead to changes in the terms of delivery if the chosen Speaker is unavailable at the time when the Customer is able to provide the replacement text. Polyline cannot in any way be held responsible for any delays due to errors/omissions on the part of the Customer.

The script will be re-recorded without extra charge if the Customer finds errors in pronunciation or faults in the style of delivery used by the Speaker (in the event that these contravene the guidelines previously provided by the Customer). On the other hand, if they are attributable to changes in the text made after confirmation of the order, or to suggestions about reading style that differ from those supplied with the order, then an extra charge will be levied in proportion to the quantity of re-reading required. In any event, the cost of such a retake will not be less than € 100.00 + VAT for a recording in a foreign language and € 50.00 + VAT for a recording in Italian. Any requests for retakes must be made no later than 5 working days after the recording is delivered.

Customers may make free use of recordings within the limits established at time of purchase. Polyline can in no way be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from improper use of recordings and in particular from any form of distribution inconsistent with that agreed at time of ordering. If the Customer fails to pay the agreed fees granting him rights to use the recordings, he will not be permitted to use them in any form.

All signatories to this contract agree that the Court of Ragusa will have jurisdiction over any future disputes arising from this agreement, or related to it.

The Customer acknowledges that he has received notice that his personal data are stored in Polyline’s archive, and that these data will only be used by that company and bodies and companies associated with it, solely for administrative purposes and for sending out commercial and promotional material related to Polyline’s activities. The Customer also acknowledges that he is aware that he can view, delete or correct his personal data, or oppose the use of these data if their processing is in violation of the law. He grants Polyline, and other external bodies and companies related to it, express permission to send him business proposals by Fax, post or email.